Planet Care FAQ​



Q: How are CO2 emissions from travelers’ flights measured? 

A: We use Grasp Technologies to measure CO2 flight emissions from Exito’s travelers. The Grasp CO2 calculation is modeled after the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) methodology. Further measurement details can be found here.


Q: With what CO2 offsetting organization does Exito partner?

A: We partner with Sustainable Travel International. More on STI can be found here.


Q: Into which categories do STI carbon offsets fit?

A: STI powers a variety of offset projects that benefit both people and nature, including: forests, clean energy and coastal blue carbon projects. View STI’s portfolio of carbon offset projects here.


Q: Is there independent certification and 3rd party verification of STI’s offsets? 

A: Absolutely. Sustainable Travel International’s CO2 offset projects adhere to the highest international standards and are audited yearly to ensure the additionality and environmental integrity of its projects. Read about STI’s verification standards here.

Thank you!


One of our flight specialists at Exito Travel will be with you shortly.